Looking for a shortcut to reboot your sex drive? We have handpicked some of the best ways to get yourself in the mood with both long term and short term solutions if you aren’t quite feeling yourself. Rev up your sexual engine with these simple tricks to get your head in the game and recenter pleasure and sexual connection.
Set the scene
Pop on some silky sheets, lights those delicious smelling candles, a few extra soft furnishings and there you have it your very own sexual paradise. Adding these small touches can really awaken your senses and increase your comfort level, making you feel all warm and fuzzy inside and maybe just maybe ready to go. Why not take it one step further and enjoy some aphrodisiac foods to really awaken each and every sense.
Alternatively, if this isn’t the kind of scene that gets you in the mood personalize your pleasure experience with your very own sex dungeon. We have a fun few ideas on how to turn your bedroom into a DIY bondage sex dungeons with just a few added extras - think lighting and lots of rope.
Stimulate your mind
Read something spicy that will have your blood pumping. Remember when 50 shades of grey took the world by storm because of those lusty descriptive sex scenes? Sexy material such as a sensual article or a romance novel with some hot and heavy descriptions, can kick your brain into action and have your heart beating faster. Did you know that individuals who are a cognitive arousal type rely on thoughts and imagination to drive those sexual feelings and urges? Meaning by thinking about sexual acts and reading them you can really light up those sensual parts of your brain.
Listen to erotica
An underrated source of erotic inspiration and arousal is audio porn - with the ability to set your ears on fire, and really put you in the mood. We have specially curated some of the very best audio erotica sites for you to indulge in right here. So make yourself comfortable and discover the world of audio porn.
Make time for you
Spending time alone may not initially spark sexy thoughts but making sure you have ‘me’ time has many benefits such as increasing productivity and happiness. What calms you can be different for everyone but we recommend trying your hand at a relaxing bath or shower. The perfect way to soothe yourself after a long day and you can make it sexy with some soothing music, soft lighting to really get you in the mood.
If a sensual bath doesn’t tick your box then find pleasure in other self-care habits. Try going on a walk to clear your mind or put on your favorite tv show. Schedule time for yourself to reconnect and this might be just what’s needed to help you get in the mood. If you live with your partner it can be more challenging to carve out alone time, so make sure you communicate your needs for time alone.

Curate a sexy playlist
Everyone has those songs that turn them into a sexual being, whether dancing around (great endorphin booster) or closing your eyes and really listening, some songs just really get you in the mood. For us it’s anything by The Weekend or Harry Styles, but if you need a little inspiration Spotify has some great sexy playlists or check out billboards’ 60 sexiest songs of all time to help you create your very own. After you have curated your extra-special sexual playlist then it’s as simple as hitting shuffle and letting the sweet sweet music do its thing.
Take a stroll down memory lane
Letting your mind wander to past sexual experiences is one way to really turn yourself on, think back to those really fun sexy times. How every touch, taste and tease felt and every feeling you had in that moment and the desire that was sparked.
If your fantasies and desires are something that you haven’t indulged in recently then thinking back to those naughty bedroom sessions can really get you in the mood. Think back to that fun and sexy threesome, the entanglement of bodies and desire. Or how about the first time you and your partner had really really good sex. Good sex doesn’t usually occur immediately but after a while once you have become accustomed to each other’s bodies, likes, and dislikes the mind-blowing sex begins. So when was that moment, the ‘oh my I can’t believe I came that many times’ moment? Think about it. Now, are you turned on?
Take nudes for yourself
The ultimate confidence booster that will have you oozing sexual energy. Fresh out your relaxing and sensual shower pop on your favorite lingerie and prop your phone up on self-timer or take some sexy pics in front of the mirror. These photos can be as silly and as sexy as you want - your favorite party hat? Thigh highs? A wig? Whatever makes you feel good- go for it!
Focus on the bits of your body you love about yourself and look in awe at the wonderful god/goddess you are. If your phone has the live photo mode appreciate the way your body moves as you change from position to position. If you want to share these sexy nudes with anyone else remember to gain consent from the other party.
Browse for new sex toys
Just looking at sex toys can really rev your engine. Read reviews of people’s other-worldly experiences and powerful orgasms, think of how those toys could have amped up a sexual experience you have had previously. You might even find yourself making a purchase of an award-winning vibrator because... well why not?
NSFW subreddit threads
Sex-positive and very sexy subreddits exist. Comprising of every sexual fantasy through erotic literature, gifs, audio clips and more. There really is something to suit all tastes.
Turn yourself on in a matter of minutes by browsing the subreddit /r/erotica. A community of all shapes, sizes and desires you’ll have enough sensual reads to last you a lifetime.
Get some sleep
If you’re feeling run down you may have misplaced your libido. With late-night stress keeping you awake, sometimes a good sleep is the perfect way to reignite sexual desire and recenter yourself. Wake up feeling refreshed and raring to go after some well-deserved time in dreamland.
It is important to remember that sometimes you don’t feel sexual and that is ok! With changes in the season, hormones and just general life adding unnecessary pressure on yourself to get turned on can in fact turn you right off.